The On-Page Search Engine Optimization
On-Page Search Engine Optimization Techniques
On-page SEO is the process of making changes to existing pages on your website in order to rank better in the search engines.
Your Title Tag :
It is the most influentioal thing in seo.
your title tag which goes between and < /title> is best describes the content of the page.
search engine first go to the title tag when crawling web pages.
If your title tag cotains the site key words, then you can expect better results.
Now continue with our flower example.
Your site name is 'the flower country'
one of Your page contain the article as 'red flowers'.
So you should have key word as 'red flowers'.
as well as your title tag should contain one of any key word.
Ex: : this title best optimized your page.
Keyword density:
How often your keywords appear on your page?
This is measured as a percentage, such as 5.8%. So let's say you want to rank on Google for
"asian flowers". On most pages of your site you'll want to include the text "asian flowers" and also variations of this phrase, such as "expensive asian flowers", "endemic asian flowers", "asian flowers", etc.
There's no rule, but you generally want a keyword density of about 7-12% for the keywords you want to rank for. That means that if you have 100 words on your page, 7-12 of them should be "asian", "flowers" or "endemic". You can check your keyword density at
Keywords at the very top of the page:
You should always include your main keywords as close to the top of the page as possible, because Google will look at the text on your site from top-to-bottom and will treat the text closer to the top of the page with a higher importance.
Header tags:
You absolutely MUST include the keywords you want to rank for in atag on your site. H1 tags tell the search engines that the text between them is important, and you should aim for just onetag on each page as close to the top as you can. In our example you might useHigh value asian flowers on one page and 'expensive red asian flowers'on another page.
Internal linking structure:
You want to use the keywords you want to rank for to link between pages on your site. For example, on your home page you might link to a category page using the text "red flowers" and on that category page you would link back to your home page with the text "red asian flowers". This is an internal two-way link, and although internal links don't hold nearly as much weight as external ones, you should link to different pages on your site using a few different combinations of your keywords.
Link Building and Link Development
Links from trusted authoritative websites tell search engines that your website is more reliable and valuable.
Common SEO Problems:
You can build a website with great content and institute an effective marketing plan, yet still be foiled by technical issues. Here are some of the most common problems:
A common mistake is blocking search engine spiders from a section or entire site you want indexed.
Google's Webmaster Central has a tool to let you verify that your robots.txt file is performing how you'd like.
learn how to create a robots.txt file
1. A robots.txt file communicates what pages or sections of your website you want search engines to crawl.
if you want to list all of your web pages on search engine, then alow the robots to crawl your web pages by placing a 'robots.txt file' in each directory of your web site.
What is a robots.txt file:
it is vary simple - Do this : open your notepad and insert this
User-Agent: *
Allow: /
then save it as robots.txt, and place it in each directory.
Response and Header Codes
* When your web server serves a page there is a special code that tells the browser or spider the status of the file served.
1. A '200 response code' means the page serves normally.
2. If not configured correctly, some web servers will serve a 200 code even when a file is missing.
3. This can create a problem when search engines index a lot of blank empty pages.
4. A 404 is the response code when a page or file doesn't exist.
5. To improve usability, set up a custom 404 page with a message explaining what happened, a search box, and links to popular pages from your website.
Duplicate Content
The content from any page should only exist on one URL.
1. If the same content exists under multiple URLs, search engines will interpret this as duplicate content.
2. Subsequently, the search engines will try to make a best guess as to the best URL for your content.
3. If this condition is true for a large amount of your pages, your website may be judged low quality and be filtered out of the search results.
Duplicate Titles
* Every page of your website should have a unique title. When a search engine sees duplicate titles it will try to judge the better page and eliminate the other from the index.
Duplicate Meta Descriptions
* If a large number of pages have identical or very similar meta descriptions, these pages may be filtered for low quality and excluded from the index.
Poor or Low Quality Content
* In an attempt to create a large number of pages very quickly, many people will employ automated solutions that end up generating pages with fill-in-the-blank or gibberish content. Search engines are getting better at catching this condition and filtering these sites from the index.
Don't be expect your page appears on google in overnight.
It depends on your hard work.
Your web site becomes more popular over time if it has good articles, which expects from world.
[try the link building]